Changing on Patient-Centred Attitudes on Same Students Group: A Qualitative Study


Patient-centered care (PCC) is a key element of quality of healthcare. ?is approach focuses partnerships in healthcare service between patients, patients’ relatives and healthcare professionals. ?is recognises patients’ preferences and promotes flexibility in health care and encourages moving beyond the provider or doctor centred approach. ?e doctor-patient relationship (DPR) is essential to operate best medical services and has been shown to a??ect patient satisfaction in many articles. Since the 1950s, DPR has been studied with many models, but the two main models have been the paternalistic model and the participatory model. ?ere is increasing interest among researchers and practitioners to better understand the extent of patient-centred care. In participatory model, patients take an active role in their health care service and medical decision. In despite of popularity of the idea there is little agreement as to its meaning [5]. In one hand, PCC is the aspect of DPR that consider patients’ preferences, reactions and emotions; and in other hand “doctor centred care” is the other aspect of DPR that consider doctors’ preferences, reactions and emotions. Beyond these two models there is another DPR model that is “provider centred care” that takes into account medical centres’ or hospitals’ preferences, concerns and profits Since many years, undergraduate medical curriculum developers have accepted the significance of PCC by developing di??erent courses and electives to teach communication skills, humanistic conducts and professional values to medical students [6]. Such as Ondokuz Mayis University Medical School (OMU/MS) most of the institutions are supposed to foster positive attitudes towards DPR. However, running programme and educational philosophy may act as an obstacle to medical teachers’ attempts to satisfactory PCC education. We designed this study to depict and evaluate students’ changing attitudes towards DPR, in Year 1 and in Year 4 with the same students group.